Primary contacts: John Moustakas (Siena College) and Dustin Lang (Perimeter Institute).
Data Portal
The Siena Galaxy Atlas 2020 (SGA-2020) data products can be browsed and downloaded at the SGA web-portal, both for individual galaxies and the full sample. Below, we outline the data model for these data products. The SGA-2020 is described in detail in Moustakas, Lang, et al. (2023).
The Siena Galaxy Atlas (SGA) is a multiwavelength atlas of 383,620 nearby galaxies selected based on their apparent angular diameter.
These galaxies are intrinsically large enough to be spatially resolved from our vantage point in the universe, providing a unique and powerful window into the fossil record of galaxy formation and evolution and the galaxy-halo connection. In addition, the atlas serves as a valuable angular map of the foreground extragalactic sky for cosmological surveys of distant galaxies like the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey.
The SGA delivers precise coordinates, multiwavelength mosaics, azimuthally averaged optical surface brightness and color profiles, integrated and aperture photometry, model images and photometry, and additional metadata for the full sample based on the deep, wide-field grz imaging from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys DR9 and the all-sky infrared imaging at 3.4-22 microns from unWISE.
The 2020 version of the atlas, SGA-2020, is primarily selected from the Hyperleda extragalactic database of known large angular-diameter galaxies, supplemented with a small number of other catalogs. Future versions of the atlas will supplement this sample with galaxies identified from the DR9 imaging itself, which will improve the uniformity of the catalog, particularly with respect to surface brightness completeness.
Coupled with existing and forthcoming optical spectroscopy from DESI, particularly the Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS) of 10 million galaxies brigher than \(r=20\), the SGA-2020 will yield important new insights into the star formation and mass assembly histories of galaxies, enable myriad complementary studies of the nearby and distant universe, and help engage the broader public in astronomy with visually striking color imaging of large, well-resolved, nearby galaxies.
Sample Selection
In this section we briefly describe the construction of the parent SGA-2020 sample.
Hyperleda Catalog
To construct the initial galaxy catalog, we query the Hyperleda extragalactic database for galaxies with angular diameter \(D(25)>0.2\) arcmin, where \(D(25)\) is the diameter at the \(25\ \mathrm{mag\ arcsec}^{-2}\) surface brightness isophote (in the optical, typically the B-band), a traditional measure of the "size" of the galaxy popularized by the Third Reference Catalog of Bright Galaxies (RC3).
We execute the following query on the 2018 November 14 version of the Hyperleda database, resulting in a catalog of 1,436,176 galaxies:
WITH "R50" AS ( SELECT pgc, avg(lax) AS lax, avg(sax) AS sax FROM rawdia WHERE quality=0 and dcode=5 and band between 4400 and 4499 GROUP BY pgc ), "IR" AS ( SELECT pgc, avg(lax) AS lax, avg(sax) AS sax FROM rawdia WHERE quality=0 and iref in (27129) and dcode=7 and band=0 GROUP BY pgc ) SELECT m.pgc, m.objname, m.objtype, m.al2000, m.de2000, m.type,, m.ring, m.multiple, m.compactness, m.t, m.logd25, m.logr25,,,, m.kt, m.v, m.modbest, "R50".lax, "R50".sax, "IR".lax, "IR".sax, FROM m000 AS m LEFT JOIN "R50" USING (pgc) LEFT JOIN "IR" USING (pgc) WHERE objtype='G' and (m.logd25>0.2 or "R50".lax>0.2 or "IR".lax>0.2)
Based on a large number of visual inspections and both quantitative and qualitative tests, we cull the resulting sample by applying the following additional cuts:
We limit the sample to \(0.333<D(25)<180\) arcmin, which removes roughly 900,000 galaxies (approximately 65% of the original sample), including the Magellanic Clouds and the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy at the large-diameter end. After this cut, the largest angular-diameter galaxies which remain are NGC0224=M31 and NGC0598=M33 with \(D(25)\) diameters of 178 and 62 arcmin, respectively.
Among smaller systems, we implement the \(D(25)<20\) arcsec cut because we find that the fraction of spurious sources (or sources with incorrect diameters) in Hyperleda increases rapidly below this diameter; moreover, galaxies smaller than this size are modeled reasonably well as part of the standard Tractor pipeline (see Tractor implementation details).
We remove approximately 3800 galaxies with no magnitude estimate in Hyperleda (as selected by our query), galaxies which we find to be largely spurious based on visual inspection.
We remove an additional roughly 6500 spurious sources (or galaxies with significantly overestimated diameters) based on visual inspection.
Finally, we reject approximately 1700 galaxies whose primary galaxy identifier (in Hyperleda) is from either SDSS or 2MASS and whose central coordinates place it inside the elliptical aperture of another (non-SDSS and non-2MASS) galaxy with diameter greater than 0.5 arcmin. Based on visual inspection, we find that many of these sources are due to shredding or are spurious sources with grossly over-estimated diameters.
In addition, we visually inspect all galaxies in the sample with
\(D(25)>0.75\) arcmin, including all the NGC/IC galaxies, and assess their
published elliptical geometry and coordinates. Where necessary, we update the
diameter, position angle, minor-to-major axis ratio, and, in some cases, central
coordinates "by hand", as indicated in the BYHAND
column described in the
SGA-2020.fits catalog.
We note that the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) proved invaluable for these cross-checks.
Supplemental Catalogs
To improve the completeness of the Hyperleda catalog, we supplement the sample with several additional catalogs:
We add the sample of Local Group Dwarf Galaxies from McConnachie (2012), making sure to account for any systems already in the Hyperleda catalog. Using visual inspection, we determine that approximately half these systems are insufficiently resolved to be part of the SGA-2020 (e.g., Ursa Minor), and so we remove them from the sample.
Next, we identify the sample of galaxies in the RC3 and OpenNGC catalogs which are missing from the Hyperleda sample. Surprisingly, many of these systems are large and have high average surface brightness.
Finally, we use the DR8 photometric catalogs to identify additional large-diameter galaxies. This supplemental catalog consists of two subsamples:
First, after applying a variety of catalog-level quality cuts (and extensive visual inspection), we identify all objects in DR8 with half-light radii \(r(50)>14\) arcsec based on their Tractor model fits;
And second, we construct a candidate sample of compact galaxies which would otherwise be forced to be point sources in DR9 based on their Gaia catalog properties (see this notebook for details).
Final Parent Sample
The final parent sample contains 531,677 galaxies approximately limited to \(D(25)>20\) arcsec, spanning a wide range of magnitude and mean surface brightness. Of these, 383,620 have grz imaging from DR9 and end up in the final SGA-2020 catalog (see Custom Mosaics & Ellipse-Fitting).
Group Catalog
Galaxies which are close to one another (in apparent, angular coordinates) must be analyzed jointly. Consequently, we build a simple group catalog from the Final Parent Sample using a friends-of-friends algorithm and a 10 arcmin linking length, taking care to ensure that galaxies which overlap (within two times their circularized \(D(25)\) diameter) are assigned to the same group.
Using this procedure, we identify 512,825 unique groups, of which roughly 93% have just one member. Among the remaining groups, approximately 15,000 have two members, 1585 groups have 3-5 members, 51 have 6-10 members, and just four groups have more than 10 galaxies, including the center of the Coma Cluster.
Custom Mosaics & Ellipse-Fitting
We analyze every galaxy group in the parent SGA-2020 catalog independently (noting that the pipeline is MPI-parallelized, and so it scales reasonably well). In the following two sections (Custom Mosaics and Ellipse-Fitting) we describe our procedure in more detail.
Information regarding the resulting data products and their organization on-disk can be found in the Data Products section.
Custom Mosaics
We run the DR9 pipeline on a "custom brick" based on the estimated center and
diameter of the galaxy group (using GROUP_RA
, and
defined in SGA-2020.fits). Specifically, we generate
mosaics according to the following criteria:
For groups with
\(\,<14\) arcmin we use a mosaic diameter of \(3\, \times\)GROUP_DIAMETER
;For groups with \(14\,<\)
\(\,<30\) arcmin we use a mosaic diameter of \(2\, \times\)GROUP_DIAMETER
;And for groups with
\(\,>30\) arcmin (which only affectsNGC0598_GROUP
) we use a mosaic diameter of \(1.4\, \times\)GROUP_DIAMETER
In all cases, for the grz imaging we adopt a fixed pixel scale of 0.262 arcsec/pixel and for the unWISE mosaics we use 2.75 arcsec/pixel.
Unlike in DR9, we use a couple different options when calling the legacypipe photometric pipeline:
We invoke the
option, which triggers the following specialized behavior:After reading the individual, sky-subtracted CCD images and rejecting outlier pixels, the inverse variance pixel weights are rescaled to prevent Tractor from fitting the central part of the (typically large, high-surface brightness) galaxy at the expense of the outer envelope.
The source detection and model fitting steps are carried out on the coadded images using the average, inverse-variance weighted pixelized PSF in each bandpass.
Objects detected within the elliptical mask of each SGA large galaxy are not forced to be point sources.
We increase the threshold for detecting and deblending sources by specifying
--saddle-fraction 0.2
(the default value is0.1
) and--saddle-min 4.0
(versus the default2.0
parameter controls the fractional peak height for identifying new sources around existing sources, and thesaddle-min
parameter is the minimum required saddle point depth (in units of the standard deviation of pixel values above the noise) from existing sources down to new sources.We find these options necessary in order to prevent excessive shredding and overfitting of the "resolved" galactic structure in individual galaxies (e.g., HII regions).
We measure the multi-band surface brightness profiles of each galaxy in the SGA using the ellipse-fitting tools in the astropy-affiliated package photutils. Once again, we analyze each galaxy group independently and use MPI parallelization to process the full sample.
Specifically, we carry out the following steps for each galaxy group:
We begin by reading the
catalogs for each group (see the Images and Catalogs section) and reject the following sources from the subsequent ellipse-fitting step, if any:objects missing from the Tractor catalog (i.e., they were dropped during Tractor modeling);
objects with negative r-band flux or objects fit by Tractor as type
;galaxies fit as Tractor type
which have a measured half-light major-axis lengthshape_r
\(<5\) arcsec;galaxies fit as Tractor types
, orSER
which have a measured half-light major-axis lengthshape_r
\(<2\) arcsec;
The first two criteria identify spurious sources in the initial parent catalog or objects with grossly over-estimated diameters, and all these objects already have been removed from the SGA-2020.fits catalog.
The second two criteria identify galaxies which are too small to benefit from ellipse-fitting, i.e., they are well-fit by the standard photometric pipeline and have been deemed to not require special handling. These sources will likely be removed from future versions of the SGA.
Next, we read the grz images and corresponding inverse variance and model images. Here and throughout our analysis we use the r-band image as the "reference band." We also read the
image (see Images and Catalogs) but only retain theBRIGHT
bits (defined on the DR9 bitmasks page). Hereafter, we refer to this mask as thestarmask
.With these data in hand, we carry out the following steps:
First, we build a
which accounts for statistically significant differences between the data and the Tractor models. In detail, we flag all pixels which deviate by more than \(5\sigma\) (in any bandpass) from the absolute value of the Gaussian-smoothed residual image, which we construct by subtracting the model image from the data and smoothing with a 2-pixel Gaussian kernel. This step obviously masks all sources including the galaxy of interest, but we restore those pixels in the next step. In addition, we iteratively dilate the mask two times and we also mask pixels along the border of the mosaic with a border equal to 2% the size of the mosaic.
Next, we iterate on each galaxy in the group from brightest to faintest based on its r-band flux (from Tractor). For each galaxy, we construct the model image from all the Tractor sources in the field except the galaxy of interest, and subtract this model image from the data.
We then measure the mean elliptical geometry of the galaxy based on the second moment of the light distribution using a modified version of Michele Cappellari's mge.find_galaxy algorithm (hereafter, the
ellipse moments
). When computing theellipse moments
, we only use pixels with surface brightness \(>27\ \mathrm{mag\ arcsec}^{-2}\) and we median-filter the image with a 3-pixel boxcar to smooth out any small-scale galactic structure.Finally, we combine the
with thestarmask
(using Boolean logic), but unmask pixels belonging to the galaxy based on theellipse moments
geometry, but using 1.5 times the estimated semi-major axis of the galaxy.
The preceding algorithm fails in fields containing more than one galaxy if the central coordinates of one of the galaxies is masked by a previous (brighter) system. (We consider a source to be impacted if any pixels in a 5-pixel diameter box centered on the Tractor position of the galaxy are masked.) In this case, we iteratively shrink the elliptical mask of any of the previous galaxies until the central position of the current galaxy is unmasked.
Note that this algorithm is not perfect, particularly in crowded fields (e.g., the center of the Coma Cluster), but will be improved in future versions of the SGA.
Another occasional failure mode is if the flux-weighted position of the galaxy based on the
ellipse moments
differs by the Tractor position by more than 10 pixels, which can happen in crowded fields and near bright stars and unmasked image artifacts. In this case we revert to using the Tractor coordinates and model geometry and record this occurence in thelargeshift
bit (see the Bitmasks page).
Finally, we convert the data images and variance images to surface brightness in units of \(\mathrm{nanomaggies\ arcsec}^{-2}\) and \(\mathrm{nanomaggies}^2\ \mathrm{arcsec}^{-4}\), respectively.
With the images and individual masks for each galaxy in hand, we can now measure the multi-band surface-brightness profiles of each galaxy. We assume a fixed elliptical geometry based on the
ellipse moments
previously measured, and robustly determine the surface brightness along the elliptical path from the central pixel to two times the estimated semi-major axis of the galaxy (based on theellipse moments
), in 1-pixel (0.262 arcsec) intervals.In detail, we measure the surface brightness (and the uncertainty) using nclip=3, sclip=3, and integrmode=median, i.e., two sigma-clipping iterations, a \(3\sigma\) clipping threshold, and median area integration, respectively, as documented in the photutils.isophote.Ellipse.fit_image method.
From the r-band surface brightness profile, we also robustly measure the size of the galaxy at the following surface brightness thresholds: 22, 22.5, 23, 23.5, 24, 24.5, 25, 25.5, and \(26\ \mathrm{mag\ arcsec}^{-2}\) . We perform this measurement by fitting a linear model to the surface brightness profile converted to \(\mathrm{mag\ arcsec}^{-2}\) vs \(r^{0.25}\) (which would be a straight line for a de Vaucouleurs galaxy profile), but only consider measurements which are within \(\pm1\ \mathrm{mag\ arcsec}^{-2}\) of the desired surface brightness threshold. To estimate the uncertainty in this radius we generate Monte Carlo realizations of the surface brightness profile and use the standard deviation of the resulting distribution of radii.
Finally, we also measure the curve-of-growth in each bandpass using the tools in photutils.aperture. Briefly, we integrate the image and variance image in each bandpass using elliptical apertures from the center of the galaxy to two times its estimated semi-major axis (based on the
ellipse moments
, again, in 1-pixel or 0.262 arcsec intervals).We fit the resulting curve-of-growth, \(m(r)\) using the following empirical model:
\begin{equation*} m(r) = m_{tot} + m_{0} \log_{e}\left[1 + \alpha_{1} \left(\frac{r}{r_{0}}\right)^{-\alpha_{2}} \right] \end{equation*}where \(m_{tot}\), \(m_{0}\), \(\alpha_{1}\), \(\alpha_{2}\), and \(r_{0}\) are constant parameters of the model and r is the semi-major axis in arcsec. In our analysis we take the radius scale factor \(r_{0}=10\) arcsec to be fixed. Note that in the limit \(r\rightarrow\infty\), \(m_{tot}\) is the total, integrated magnitude.
With this model, the half-light semi-major axis, \(r_{50}\), can be inferred from the best-fitting model parameters:
\begin{equation*} r_{50} = r_{0} \left\{ \frac{1}{\alpha_{1}} \left[ \exp\left( -\frac{\log_{10}(0.5)}{0.4 m_{0}} \right) -1 \right] \right\}^{-1/\alpha_{2}} \end{equation*}Finally, we package all the measurements, one per galaxy, into an astropy.QTable table (including units on all the quantities), and write out the results documented in the Data Products section.
Data Products
The principal SGA-2020 data product is the SGA-2020.fits catalog, which contains detailed information for 383,620 galaxies with three-band (grz) imaging from DR9, spanning approximately 20,000 square degrees (see the Contents of DR9 page for a more precise area).
For these systems we generate custom multiband mosaics, perform Tractor modeling of all the sources in the field, and (for most systems) measure the surface-brightness profiles, color profiles, and optical curves of growth using standard ellipse-fitting techniques. These additional data products are documented in the Group Files section.
The figure below shows the distribution of the SGA-2020 sample in an equal-area Aitoff projection in equatorial coordinates.

Number |
Type |
Contents |
HDU00 |
Empty. |
HDU01 |
Ellipse-fitting results. |
HDU02 |
Tractor modeling results. |
Name |
Type |
Units |
Description |
int64 |
Unique integer identifier. |
char[16] |
SGA galaxy name, constructed as "SGA-2020 |
char[29] |
Unique galaxy name. |
int64 |
Unique identifier from the Principal Catalogue of Galaxies (-1 if none or not known). |
float64 |
degree |
Right ascension (J2000) from the reference indicated in |
float64 |
degree |
Declination (J2000) from the reference indicated in |
char[21] |
Visual morphological type from Hyperleda (if available). |
float32 |
degree |
Galaxy position angle, measured positive clockwise from North, taken from the reference indicated in |
float32 |
arcmin |
Approximate major-axis diameter at the \(25\ \mathrm{mag}\ \mathrm{arcsec}^{-2}\) (optical) surface brightness isophote, taken from the reference indicated in |
float32 |
Ratio of the semi-minor axis to the semi-major axis, taken from the reference indicated in |
float32 |
Heliocentric redshift from HyperLeda. Note: a missing value, represented with -1.0, does not imply that no redshift exists. |
float32 |
Vega \(\mathrm{mag}/\mathrm{arcsec}^2\) |
Mean surface brightness within |
float32 |
Vega mag |
Approximate brightness (Note: this magnitude estimate is heterogeneous in both bandpass and aperture but for most galaxies it is measured in the B-band within |
Boolean |
Flag indicating whether one or more of |
char[13] |
Unique reference name indicating the original source of the object, as described in Sample Selection: |
int64 |
Unique group identification number. |
char[35] |
Unique group name, constructed from the name of its largest member (based on |
int16 |
Group multiplicity (i.e., number of group members from the parent sample). |
Boolean |
Flag indicating the primary (i.e., largest) group member. |
float64 |
degree |
Right ascencion of the group weighted by |
float64 |
degree |
Declination of the group weighted by |
float32 |
arcmin |
Approximate group diameter. For groups with a single galaxy this quantity equals |
char[8] |
Name of brick, encoding the brick sky position, e.g. "1126p222" is centered on RA=112.6, Dec=+22.2. |
float64 |
degree |
Right ascension (J2000) based on the Tractor model fit; identical to |
float64 |
degree |
Declination (J2000) based on the Tractor model fit; identical to |
float32 |
arcmin |
Major axis diameter measured at the \(\mu=26\ \mathrm{mag}\ \mathrm{arcsec}^{-2}\) r-band isophote based on |
char[4] |
Reference indicating the origin of the |
float32 |
degree |
Galaxy position angle, measured positive clockwise from North, as measured from the |
float32 |
Minor-to-major axis ratio, as measured from the |
float64 |
degree |
Light-weighted right ascension (J2000), as measured from the |
float64 |
degree |
Light-weighted declination (J2000), as measured from the |
float32 |
arcsec |
Second moment of the light distribution along the major axis based on the measured |
float32 |
arcsec |
Half-light semi-major axis length in each bandpass based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section; -1 if not measured). |
float32 |
arcsec |
Semi-major axis length at the \(\mu=22\), 22.5, 23, 23.5, 24, 24.5, 25, 25.5, and \(26 \mathrm{mag}\ \mathrm{arcsec}^{-2}\) isophote in the r-band (-1 if not measured). |
float32 |
arcsec |
Uncertainty in |
float32 |
AB mag |
Cumulative brightness measured within |
float32 |
AB mag |
Uncertainty in |
float32 |
AB mag |
Best-fitting parameter \(m_{1}\) based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section). |
float32 |
AB mag |
Best-fitting parameter \(m_{0}\) based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section). |
float32 |
Best-fitting parameter \(\alpha_{1}\) based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section). |
float32 |
Best-fitting parameter \(\alpha_{2}\) based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section). |
float32 |
\(\chi^{2}\) of the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section). |
int32 |
See the Bitmasks documentation. |
This binary table is row-matched to the ELLIPSE table in the preceding HDU
and contains all the columns documented in the DR9 Tractor catalogs,
supplemented (for convenience) with SGA_ID
Note that all sources in this table have REF_CAT=="L3"
and REF_ID
identical to SGA_ID
, as described in the external catalogs documentation.
Group Files
For each galaxy group in the SGA-2020 (i.e., each row in SGA-2020.fits) we produce the set of files described in the Images and Catalogs table and the Custom Mosaics & Ellipse-Fitting documentation section.
These files are organized into the directory structure RASLICE/GROUP_NAME
is the name of the galaxy group and RASLICE
) is the one-degree wide slice of the sky that the object belongs
to. Specifically, in Python:
Images and Catalogs
The table below documents the nominal set of files produced by the SGA pipeline. Many of these files are standard DR9 data products (see the DR9 files documentation), although they are based on slightly different inputs than those used for nominal DR9 processing (see Custom Mosaics for more details) and with names which are specific to the SGA.
File |
Description |
DR9 Pipeline Catalogs |
Input table of |
Enumerated segmentation ("blob") image (see the metrics documentation); may be removed in future releases. |
Tractor catalog of all detected sources in the field. |
DR9 Pipeline Mosaics and Catalogs |
Image encoding the DR9 bitmasks contributing to each pixel (see also the DR9 image stacks documentation). |
Image of pixels rejecting during outlier masking (see the metrics documentation); may be removed in future releases. |
Image of the \(5\sigma\) point-source depth at each pixel (see also the DR9 image stacks documentation). |
Postage stamp of the inverse-variance weighted mean pixelized grz PSF at the center of the field (see the PSF documentation for more details). |
Inverse-variance weighted image, inverse variance image, and Tractor model image based on the input grz imaging (see the DR9 image stacks documentation for more details). |
JPEG visualization of the data, model, and residual grz mosaics. |
Inverse-variance weighted image and inverse variance image based on the input W1-W4 imaging (see the DR9 image stacks documentation for more details). Note: there is no ``largegalaxy`` prefix because the data used to generate these files is independent of the SGA. |
unWISE Tractor model W1-W4 mosaic based on the forced photometry technique used in DR9. Note that the ``largegalaxy`` prefix is present because the Tractor models used to generate this image rely on assumptions made specifically for the SGA. |
JPEG visualization of the data and model W1W2 mosaics. |
SGA Pipeline Files |
Catalog of (one or more) galaxies from SGA-2020.fits belonging to this group. |
See the Ellipse Fits data model; note that this file may be missing (for the galaxy of a given |
Logging output for the coadds stage of the pipeline; may be missing in some cases. |
Logging output for the ellipse stage of the pipeline; may be missing in some cases. |
Ellipse Fits
We produce a single FITS table to store the ellipse-fitting results for each galaxy in the SGA-2020 which could be ellipse-fit (see the Ellipse-Fitting documentation for more details).
Many of the ellipse-fitting measurements are taken directly from the photutils.isophote.IsophoteList attributes, although in many cases the column names have been renamed for clarity.
Name |
Type |
Units |
Description |
int64 |
See ELLIPSE data model. |
char[?] |
See ELLIPSE data model. |
float64 |
degree |
See ELLIPSE data model. |
float64 |
degree |
See ELLIPSE data model. |
int64 |
See ELLIPSE data model. |
float32 |
degree |
See ELLIPSE data model. |
float32 |
See ELLIPSE data model. |
float32 |
arcmin |
See ELLIPSE data model. |
char[1][3] |
List of bandpasses fitted (here, always g,r,z). |
char[1] |
Reference band (here, always r). |
float32 |
arcsec/pixel |
Pixel scale in |
Boolean |
Flag indicating ellipse-fitting success or failure. |
Boolean |
Flag indicating whether the ellipse geometry was allowed to vary with semi-major axis (here, always |
Boolean |
Flag indicating whether ellipse parameters were passed from an external file (here, always |
Boolean |
Flag indicating that the light-weighted center (from the |
float64 |
degree |
Right ascension (J2000) at pixel position |
float64 |
degree |
Declination (J2000) at pixel position |
float32 |
pixel |
Light-weighted position along the x-axis (from |
float32 |
pixel |
Light-weighted position along the y-axis (from |
float32 |
Ellipticity \(e=1-b/a\), where \(b/a\) is the semi-minor to semi-major axis ratio |
float32 |
degree |
Galaxy position angle (astronomical convention, measured clockwise from North); equivalent to |
float32 |
degree |
Galaxy position angle (physics convention, measured clockwise from the x-axis), and given by [\((270-PA)\) mod 180]. |
float32 |
pixel |
Light-weighted length of the semi-major axis (from |
float32 |
pixel |
Maximum semi-major axis length used for the ellipse-fitting and curve-of-growth measurements (typically taken to be \(2\times\) |
char[6] |
photutils.isophote.Ellipse.fit_image integration mode (here, always median). |
int16 |
photutils.isophote.Ellipse.fit_image sigma-clipping (here, always 3). |
int16 |
Number of photutils.isophote.Ellipse.fit_image sigma-clipping iterations (here, always 3). |
float32 |
arcsec |
Mean width of the point-spread function over the full mosaic (derived from the |
float32 |
AB mag |
Mean \(5\hbox{-}\sigma\) depth over the full mosaic (derived from the |
float32 |
Galactic transmission fraction (taken from the corresponding Tractor catalog at the central coordinates of the galaxy). |
float32 |
pixel |
Width of the optical mosaics in |
float32 |
pixel |
Height of the optical mosaics in |
float32[N] |
pixel |
Semi-major axis position, where |
float32[N] |
\(\mathrm{nanomaggies}/\mathrm{arcsec}^2\) |
Linear surface brightness at the semi-major axis position given by |
float32[N] |
\(\mathrm{nanomaggies}/\mathrm{arcsec}^2\) |
Uncertainty in |
float32[N] |
Ellipticity along the semi-major axis; here, taken to be fixed at the value given by |
float32[N] |
Uncertainty in |
float32[N] |
degree |
Position angle along the semi-major axis; here, taken to be fixed at the value given by |
float32[N] |
degree |
Uncertainty in |
float32[N] |
pixel |
Pixel coordinate of the ellipse along the x-axis; here, taken to be fixed at the value given by |
float32[N] |
pixel |
Uncertainty in |
float32[N] |
pixel |
Pixel coordinate of the ellipse along the x-axis; here, taken to be fixed at the value given by |
float32[N] |
pixel |
Uncertainty in |
float32[N] |
Third-order harmonic coefficient (see photutils.isophote.IsophoteList); not used. |
float32[N] |
Uncertainty in |
float32[N] |
Fourth-order harmonic coefficient (see photutils.isophote.IsophoteList); not used. |
float32[N] |
Uncertainty in |
float32[N] |
\(\mathrm{nanomaggies}/\mathrm{arcsec}^2\) |
Root-mean-square of the surface brightness along the elliptical path (see photutils.isophote.IsophoteList). |
float32[N] |
\(\mathrm{nanomaggies}/\mathrm{arcsec}^2\) |
Estimate of the pixel standard deviation along the elliptical path (see photutils.isophote.IsophoteList). |
int16[N] |
Fitting stop code (see photutils.isophote.IsophoteList and photutils.isophote.Isophote). |
int16[N] |
Number of data points used for the fit (see photutils.isophote.IsophoteList). |
int16[N] |
Number of points rejected during the fit (see photutils.isophote.IsophoteList). |
int16[N] |
Number of fitting iterations (see photutils.isophote.IsophoteList). |
float32[M] |
pixel |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32[M] |
AB mag |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32[M] |
AB mag |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32 |
AB mag |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32 |
AB mag |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32 |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32 |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32 |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32 |
arcsec |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32 |
arcsec |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32 |
AB mag |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
float32 |
AB mag |
Do not use; see the Known Issues. |
The following tables document some of the bit-masks used in the SGA pipeline, as listed in the SGA-2020.fits catalog. The bits are enumerated as a power of two, e.g., in Python, the expression
would return a Boolean array of the objects fitted as type REX
which were
too small to be ellipse-fit.
The following bits largely pertain to galaxies with DR9 imaging; they indicate why a given object in the SGA-2020.fits catalog was not ellipse-fit.
Bit |
Name |
Description |
0 |
Not used; ignore. |
1 |
Object was not ellipse-fit because it was classified as too-small type |
2 |
Object was not ellipse-fit because it was classified as too-small type |
3 |
Ellipse-fitting was attempted but failed. (In SGA-2020 no galaxies have this bit set.) |
4 |
Ellipse-fitting was not attempted. (In SGA-2020 only 27 galaxies in seven unique groups have this bit set; see the Known Issues). |
5 |
Ellipse-fitting results were rejected (generally based on visual inspection; see the Known Issues). |
Known Issues
Here, we document known issues regarding the SGA-2020. We will periodically update this section as additional issues are identified or reported and will endeavor to address these issues in future versions of the catalog.
In SGA-2020, 27 galaxies in seven unique groups were not ellipse fit, generally due to the (very large!) size of the primary galaxy:
In 52 galaxies identified through visual inspection, we determined that the ellipse-fitting results were incorrect or unreliable, usually due to incomplete or imperfect masking of nearby bright stars or other galaxies. In these systems we vetoed the ellipse-fitting results and set the
bit in the final catalog (see the Bitmasks table).
The curve-of-growth measurements (as recorded in the
columns of the Ellipse Fits files) were unfortunately compromised by a coding bug and should not be used. However, we have remeasured most of the key quantities of interest (specifically,RADIUS_SB[22,22.5,23,23.5,24,24.5,25,25.5,26]
, and[G,R,Z]_MAG_SB[22,22.5,23,23.5,24,24.5,25,25.5,26]_ERR
) from the surface-brightness profiles, which were not affected by the bug and stored the results in the SGA-2020.fits table.
We welcome questions and feedback from users, as well as requests for additional data products through the ticket system at
We also acknowledge that all the code used to select, build, and analyze the catalog is open source and publicly available:
Future Plans
Future versions of the SGA will focus on four main areas:
Improving the completeness of the sample over the full footprint, particularly with respect to lower surface-brightness galaxies;
Improving the data reduction and analysis of the very largest (angular diameter) galaxies in the sky, like NGC5194=M51 and NGC5457=M101.
Better handling of galaxies with close companions (e.g., in the Coma Cluster) and near bright stars.
Measuring the infrared surface-brightness profiles based on the unWISE imaging at 3.4-22 microns.
Use of the SGA-2020 data products must acknowledge the Scientific Publication Acknowledgment for the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys, as well as the specific SGA acknowledgment.
We also acknowledge important contributions to the SGA-2020 from the following individuals:
Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the following invaluable external resources which made this project possible:
We acknowledge the usage of the HyperLeda database (see especially Makarov et al. 2014, A&A, 570, A13). In particular, we are grateful for the time, effort, and expertise of Dmitry Makarov.
This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED), which is funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and operated by the California Institute of Technology.